Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the time has come... really

sorry to those of you who tried to open this post at any point last week. after a frustrating battle with blogspot... which i lost... i ended up deleting the whole post and opted to start over with less pictures and MOOORRRRREEEEE words. aren't you so glad.

anywho, here's the great info of my life for the past month...

paneling... painting... puttying... nailing... more painting... pulling out really annoying carpet staples... more painting... and all in the name of finishing a room with a fireplace so i could enjoy it this... spring? oh well, i got a couple good uses out of the fireplace last week thanks to a very slow moving winter (thanks, pal) and now i can reveal the fruits of my labor.

are you ready?

you sure????


before: (notice the 2 varying carpet colors... mmhmm... and around the corner in the great unseen room lies another shade of bright red... which was actually kind of cool because it felt like walking on a cloud of happy crimson dreams... (sigh)

as cool as all that was we parted ways, many tears were shed... because of all the dust from tearing down walls and rank carpet... yes, this was the beginning of a new era)


before: (ugh... why yes that is a banister made of crudely nailed 2x4s, funny you should notice... see the red carpet! see it! i really kind of miss that old friend)






the end...

now i just need to steal back my table from lifesong's waiting area... yes it was mine first... i even made it... uhuh... so i think i have ownership rights...

and then maybe clean that tile around my fireplace... for those of you who didn't notice, God bless you... and for those of you who did, well you're most likely mothers so i suppose we'll let it slide.


Jami said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! :) I love you too!

Klint & Sarah said...

YAY!! It looks AMAZING!!!! Thanks for posting these pics

Alesa said...

looks great, girl!

Amber said...

looks so good Leslie - and I"m sure spring will give you a few cool evenings to fully enjoy it yet! : )

smw said...

wow! that looks great. i can't wait to come see it in person. and even after you mentioned dirty tiles, i can't see dirt anywhere. what does that say about my mothering? perhaps just a confirmation of how much i dislike cleaning. :)

Leslie Ringger said...

bless you shar :)

...may you live to be a thousand.