Wednesday, April 11, 2012

i was up on the roof beams...

painting today, when i heard men shouting.  from my lofty view in the air (did i mention i'm afraid of heights?) i saw two men who looked like they were beating something... or someone!

i tried to listen closely and with every blow came a yell.  (what in the world?!)  i looked around trying to find someone who might be witnessing the same thing i was, hoping i was only imagining what could possibly be a human getting beat to death just on the other side of the fence.

"justin!  do you know what's going on?!  are they attacking someone?"

justin (our trusty builder + the reason i was facing my fears on the rafters with brush in hand) listened for a minute then said, "i think they yelled 'snake'?"


straining to see more...

"madam!!!!  madam!!!!"

who me?



"let me see!"

to which they disappeared behind the grasses and then lifted up this beauty:



smw said...

ohhhhhhhhhhh leslie. i can't believe you are living so close to such awful creatures!!!!!!!!!

Klint & Sarah said...


Amber said...

I don't even have words.

leah said...


Marla said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Hope you don't dream tonight! Hope I don't dream tonight!

Daveana said...

I would say what a relief, but with a snake that size...

Ashley Baner said...


It could have been worse but I am not sure how.

megs @ whadusay said...

seriously, this makes me light headed and quesy... excuse me, I need to go sit down and throw up.