Thursday, February 28, 2008

much apologies to my 5 faithful readers...if any are left.

so my conclusion is this...being friends with smart people STINKS!

it would seem that the high majority of my friends are all extremely intelligent individuals, and all in different areas. the different areas would not be such a big deal if after spending time with them i didn't feel the need to educate myself just so i can contribute to a semi-stimulating conversation about world politics, church history, foreign cultures, spiritual theologies, government, literature, or greek mythology! good GRIEF!!!

what happened to the good ol' days when we could be thoroughly entertained by discussing our favorite crayon colors or which dress of barbie's we would want for our own if we could only choose one (totally the orange ballgown...before it ripped). man, i miss those days! i could keep up with those days!

it's not my intention to have so many smart friends, but they seem to flock to me! and at first everything is fine and dandy and we enjoy laughing about dumb things we have done or funny movies we both enjoy. then suddenly they drop a bomb like, 'what do you think about the economic relationship between the roman empire and modern day afghanistan?' (a little exaggeration for dramatic effect...i don't even know if that last comment made any sense, but then again, i am the dumb one) suddenly it's not all fun and games anymore. it's me spending sleepless nights googling roman and afghan economics!!!

tell me, is this what friendship is supposed to be about? maybe it's God's way of telling me that i'm lazy and i need to find something to get smart about(by the way, great old tv sitcom and i'm super excited about the movie remake!). but must i get smart about everything?!??!

we must all bare our own crosses. i guess this is mine.


Tami said...

glad to see you're back...both in the blogging world and from ohio...i was afraid i would never see you again. :)
let me guess...trisha plattner has just 'dropped the bomb' and taken your friendship to the next smart level?
well les. as one of your 'not-smart-friends', let me offer you some input. first off, some people just like to sound smart and spew out nonsense that's meant to impress. i'm guessing those people aren't you're good friends...when it comes to people like that, i just nod and listen 'cause they really just want to listen to themselves anyway and don't care if i contribute.
for the people that really ARE smart, they're usually smart in what they have a passion about...something they love. my friend kendra and ashley have a passion for the medical field, so they're very smart in it. As you, you have a passion for art (particularly ceramics), unknown bands, movies, decorating, and you are smart in that. i know you probably don't feel smart in it 'cause it's not difficult for the same way that it's not for others in what they love.
i don't think you have to be up on everyone's passions just so you are interested in the fact that they're interested...i'm not going to master ceramics, but i really care that you love it and want to hear you talk about it. does that make sense?
so dear les, i think you can stop those google fingers...your friends really love you for it all...especially for the fact that you love to talk about colors of crayons and barbie's dresses. :)'s that for a long drawn-out post?

Leslie Ringger said...

sorry to break it to you tam, but you're one of the smart ones.

Kasey said...

Leslie, you make me laugh. I just thought I should let you know that I've been frequenting your blog. I'm glad to see another post... and one I can relate to at that. Once again... wise words Tami!
Love you girl!

Rebekah said...

Hello again Leslie,
I really enjoyed that song post you had before but it was getting a little old to see the girl sitting at the piano day after day! It's so good to see a new post...and as always it made me laugh! I can relate to your dilemma...we are in an out of town potluck with your cousin Jaret, Jeff Waibel, Stu Reynolds, and someothers but whenever I am in a conversation with them I feel very dumb and uninformed. I always, how do they know so much stuff and how do people have opinions about so many things? But I agree with Tam, we are "smart" in the things we love. LIke, I probably would sound smart to some people when it came to conversations about classical music...which actually, I'm not...don't ask me to talk to someone who REALLY knows something about that subject. But you know what I mean.

My mom did tell me once though that it is good to read stuff about our world just so we are somewhat informed....I'd recommend going to some free websites like and read up on might have more to contribute sometime when the chance comes up. it also just feels smart to read a website that isn't someone's fun blog.
tam, did i beat you on the overly long comment?!

Amber said...

I thought I better quick comment for you know you really do have FIVE faithful readers. : )

and wanted to let you know that I always love my conversations with you les . . ..hmmm. then again, when thinking about your post . . .maybe that says something about me!?!?!? : )

Jami said...

So you don't think you have "smart" sisters...just friends. Thanks a lot!! :)

Love you!

Taylor said...

Leslie, I so appreciate your honesty....and I so know the feelings you are having...I have been there too many times. I think your friend Tamika has put into words the very truth of the matter very nicely, what a great friend - she surely cares about you and her friendship with you very much! Tamika - will you be my friend too!!! Seriously though, thanks for sharing, and I would love to hear about your art background sometime. Actually, I need to pick your brain for some ideas for my arts and crafts program at work this summer....I will get your email from one of your sisters! That is, of course, if you don't mind!

Tami said...

taylor...i'll be your friend! :)

Taylor said...

Great! Who can't use more friends! ;)