Monday, February 4, 2008

five reasons fog is cool

1. you could make a sweet music video without any special affects (take note, tam).  

2. it's romaaaaantic (in my head my voice went up tonally on the a...just fyi)  i always think of that scene in sabrina (the one with julia ormond, not audrey hepburn) when she's in paris and they're taking pictures of the couple on the bridge in the fog and she puts that one red scarf in the foreground which, by the way, is the only real color in the shot and i'm betting made for some amaaazing photographs.

3. it's pretty (spoken like gollum when he says, "precious") 

4. it makes for the perfect crime setting...okay, so that's probably not super positive, but barring from the fact all of us have scruples and would never really commit a crime, you have to admit, having fog the night of would be a major fringe benefit.

5. you can literally say i've taken "a walk in the clouds."


Jami said...

i think it's scaaaaaary.... and kind of closterphobic (sp.?) too! :)

leah said...

hey crazy lady...i just found your blog! how fun.

Leslie Ringger said...

ah man! i was trying to keep it hidden from you. well at least i can say i was successful for about 3 months. just joking leah-boo.

and jami, i think this is one area that you and i will never see eye to eye. i hope it doesn't ruin the something beautiful between us.

Tami said...

1. I've actually thought that! You want to be the star?
2. I hadn't thought that, but now that you mention it, isn't there some scene in a movie where the walks out from the fog? Now that I say that, it sounds more like a horror film! Never mind!
3. I agree.
4. Definitely agree on this one. I've kind of been planning a break in on a little art studio on Ft. Jesse...this would be a good night indeed.
5. that you can my friend.

Jami said...

actually i do see the romantic value in the fog as well...but driving in it...not fun! especially at dusk when some people do NOT put their lights on!!! ahhhhhh...that's an accident waiting to happen!

Taylor said...

Leslie! You crack me up girl! I found your blog from Megan. I have been reading for a while and meaning to comment. I love the candy one - that is totally me - love candy, almost every kind, however I am not a fan of chocolate! Also, I have been thinking about you alot since you wrote the slow and steady wins the race....that is completely me. It is one of the worst things about me....I am so darn slow, it drives me nuts - slow at everything. Anyway, love your blog and hearing your interesting thoughts!
