Friday, May 2, 2008

my patch of blue

today i was driving home from work with my sunroof open and my window down.  it was beautiful weather, perfect temp...(sigh)

i was almost home when i felt a noticeable drop in the temperature outside and i saw ahead huge rain clouds.  as i got closer and closer i thought, 'i should roll up my window cause i'm gonna get rained on.'  as my window was going up i waited for the rain drops to hit my windshield, but they didn't come.  i wondered why it wasn't raining yet so i looked up, (not always the safest thing to do while driving, but sometimes i just can't resist the urge to gaze at the sky) expecting to see looming dark clouds and i was really surprised to see the most beautiful blue open sky.

so i started playing a guessing game the rest of my drive called 'when will the clouds cover me.'  i'd look up trying to catch them roll over my head, but they never did.  there were a couple times i thought they had to be overhead, because the shadow and the cold felt so close around me i knew there couldn't be open sky above, but sure enough.

this got me seems like there are times in my life when i allow approaching clouds to rob me of the blue sky in the present.  does anyone know what i mean?  i know without a doubt that the rain is approaching...i can see it in the distance...and sometimes it feels so close, so thick around me, that i completely lose sight of the fact that i'm not in it yet. 

then i thought how, not only in apprehension, but even in the midst of the darkest storm i still have my Savior's blue sky covering me...that small opening of hope that will follow me where ever i go.  so whether i see storms approaching or have to trudge on through them, i have a patch of blue to go with me.

thank you, Jesus, for being my patch of blue.


megs @ whadusay said...

What a great post Leslie. Worry about what the clouds hold can rob me of the pleasure of the blue sky above me. Praise God, for sending a patch of blue to guide us through!

Amber said...

thanks leslie . . .