Monday, June 30, 2008

one year ago today:

i read this in my journal and realized it was dated exactly a year ago today, so i thought i'd share:

June 30, 2007

I love to watch the sky at dusk, or dawn, for that matter, when the sky's so many varieties of hues and shades.  Tonight it is a brilliant orange, but only in a small portion of the sky.  It streaks across the horizon with vibrance, leaving the rest of the sky a mournful dark blue, which has it's own beauty, just a different kind.  "Oh, Daddy, Your world is so much bigger than me and my small desires," I thought and suddenly had the urge to cry.  I like it when I have the ability to cry or even just the emotion to.  It shows a sense of tenderness.  I have gone through times in my life when I never cried and almost always it was a season of selfishness, or the beginnings of a hard heart.  So these times of sudden impulse, when my heart feels on the verge of breaking, are times I cherish.  It's in these times my Savior feels so close I could reach out and touch Him, throw my arms around Him and bury my tear stained face in His chest.  Tonight, for this short moment I felt all of this.  Me heart cried out to Jesus, "sometimes I feel so insignificant!"  But I know that though I am small, and though I sometimes feel obsolete, He has made it possible for me to do great things.  Only in Him can I find true worth.  Only in Him am I worthy of anything good, in this lifetime or the next.

okay, so i get a little wordy and emotional when i journal, but all the same, as i read this it made me not quite so ashamed of how emotional i've been lately(that's right i'm still fighting the ukrainian blues!).  in fact in made me cherish it, which is a nice turn of events.  


sarah.flyingkites said...

Thanks for sharing your heart! I think Leah has a little case of the blues too!

leah said...

i do.

why does reality hit so hard?

Taylor said...

I'm not sure what you experienced on your trip, but my small group leader just came back from Africa on a missions trip and it was amazingly touching....I wish I could have that same experience some day. I love your heart Leslie - you are the object of His affection. When I think about how pathetic my life has been and all He has done for me, I can't help but tear up.....I just feel extremely blessed to Know Him in the capacity I do....and am equally humbled by it.