Saturday, June 14, 2008

why having an english accent is better than not

so i was watching my new favorite show, 'arrested development,' the one where michael almost marries a mentally retarded girl, and doesn't know she's handicapped because it's masked by her english accent...yeah...i's great. well, after he finds out, he of course has to call off the wedding and she tries to persuade him to stay by saying(remember to read this with an accent cause it makes it much better) :

"but maybe you're not smart, too, and you just don't know it yet. i didn't know i wasn't smart until they told me."

this got me thinking, maybe i'm not smart and i just don't know it! i mean there has definitely been times that i've wondered: like the time i got a tambourine stuck around my waste - definitely not my most intelligent moment. or the time i was driving and couldn't remember what road i was on. seriously, i was driving from mom and dad's to bloomington and couldn't remember if i had taken 29 or lake bloomington rd. it was horribly confusing, but thankfully after about a minute i gathered my surroundings due to some familiar landmarks. wierd, right?

plus i've always gotten along really well with my neices and nephews who are all 5 and under. i always like to think it's because i'm a cool aunt, but what if i'm just at their mental level, allowing us to connect socially? ...although, there was one time when paige asked me to tell her something she didn't know and i was able to do that, but i only could come up with about 2 things.

hmmm, my grandpa always says, 'assume the best until told otherwise.' so i guess i'll just have to assume i'm okay, and hopefully no one will ever tell me otherwise.

keep your fingers crossed!


sarah.flyingkites said...

I'm seriously laughing out loud! You're so funny!

Klint said, "Well, that explains alot!"


megs @ whadusay said...

oh, you make me laugh and laugh and laugh!!!

Marla said...

I hate to say this.......but you misspelled waist.

Your mother

Tami said...

I think I'd have to vote marla as one of the all-time best blog commenters ever! Marla, you're absolutly hilarious.
As are you, Leslie! I was actually thinking while reading your post that if those were the worst examples you could come up for yourself, I'm in big trouble!

Tami said...

and I just spelled absolutely wrong. :)that's why leslie and i make such great friends.

Jami said...

Leslie - I'm going to try to say this in an english accent but knowing me it will probably come out with more of a southern twang...

I think you're just fine! :)

Love you!!