Thursday, October 22, 2009

rain is my friend

"oh let the rain fall down and wash this world away. oh let the sky be gray. cause if it's ever gonna get any better it's got to get worse in a day."

as i was at my little shop today (mmm... still there, just not being productive) this 'bishop allen' song came on over the ipod air waves and made me smile. it was one of those moments of pure bliss.

a customer was happily painting at her table, while i was creating porcelain lamps (no easy task let me assure you) and bopping my head to the happy tune. and yes, the rain was literally falling.

i told kara (one thing i LOVE about my job is being on a first name basis with my customers and creating real relationships with them)

*side note*: the other week one of my customers stopped in to pick up some things and when she saw me gave me a big ol' hug just because we hadn't seen each other in a while. it kind of made my week.

(continuing on) that this was the perfect song for the day, and how it made me happy. she laughed and told me about how she grew up in seattle and "trust me" rain is not fun after you've gone more than a few months with no sunshine. point taken.

well... now the song is over, kara has gone to pick up her kiddos from school and head home, and i sit here with a table to clean and porcelain lamps to finish... but the rain is still here keeping me company.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Great! Gotta love fun music on a rainy day. I turned the song on and Annika immediately started clapping and laughing. Thanks for that! I'm glad you're back blogging!