Friday, January 6, 2012

love like tea

today when i got up i grabbed a cup of coffee, my computer, journal, Bible, and guitar excited to have a morning of quiet to pray, think, write, and listen to some stellar-soul-filling music.  ahhh.

and then the boys came.

they do this often and i'll be honest, i don't always handle it very well.  they know to come in the afternoon and instead show up at the window in the morning when i'm trying to work and want to have these great and meaningful conversations that usually include questions like:

"can i play mario cart?"
"can you borrow me some cards?"
"can i teach you bemba?"
"what are you doing?"
"can i see what's on your computer?"
"angry birds?"

to which i reply:

"boys, i love you, but go away.  i need to be left alone right now."

to which they reply:


to which i reply (in sheer frustration):

"fine," pick up my computer and march into my room as voices of, "okay!  sorry! bye!" are called after me.

5 minutes later i peak out of my room and at the sign of no boys i happily sit back at the table to continue with my morning.

pretty soon they show up again.  ezron hands me a note but before i can read it they continue to talk, this time asking for bandaids.

sigh.  "fine.  come to the front."

bandaids on.  lecture on respect and obedience.  boys gone.  leslie irritated.

and then i read the note.

an ode of love and thankfulness ending with:

"i love [you] like a cup of tea"

oh man.  i guess i kind of like these kids after all.


leah said...

haha...awwwww. that is precious!! :)

Tami said...

This is sooo cute!!! You have such a great way of writing!!! I love you like an iced carmel macchiato!!