Monday, November 17, 2008
the lamest prayer ever!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
to the One who has the power to heal
Thursday, November 6, 2008
God bless the cold...but only when there's heat!
what do you think these things have in common?
-things you wear to play in the snow, you say? no, i don't think so
-great fashion statements? hmmm...not quite.
-how about what is completely necessary to cover yourself with when sitting on your couch or bed under four blankets drinking hot chocolate or hot coffee or hot tea or hot water for that matter...anything to shake the cold? by jove, i think we have a winner!
yes, i'm afraid it's true. this tuesday, after what seemed like years of 0 degree nights (tiny exaggeration) we finally received heat! but up until that moment we spent our evenings huddled under our covers with hats gloves and (callie)3 sweatshirts, yelling to each other from our rooms so we could have some sort of conversation without freezing to death!
when i called nicor to say, "we have no GAS!" they calmly sent me jumping through hoops, cut off my desperate please with robotic tones of "hold on ma'am, let me look at your account" and refused to send someone to help us until just this week when, of course, it's too warm too need heat. in the words of rebekah and her mother, "honest to pete!" (i like that saying. it's almost as good as 'holy monkeys')
i told callie we should take a picture of us in our pathetic state to remember it for always, and she replied with horror in her eyes, "i'm not taking a picture looking like this!" (fyi: cold apartments make for very tired, disheveled looking roommates)
maybe someday i'll talk her into striking a pose for old time's sake, though right now it may be too soon to bring up such a bitter memory. but if she ever yields, you can bet it'll be posted here for all to see!
in the spirit of the season, let's all be reminded to give thanks for the many blessing we HEAT!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
one way connie kendall is cooler than me...but only the one!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
my dad's the coolest!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
another 7
Friday, August 8, 2008
for your viewing pleasure

"oh, it still hurts!"

"bitter woe!"

"there's only one thing that can help me now..."

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
the pain! the agony! the HORROR!
so about 2 minutes ago i was unloading the kiln...well, actually the kiln was unloaded yesterday, but all the pieces were sitting on the floor because i unloaded it in a hurry and i didn't do any of the stuff your supposed to do after you unload everything from the kiln, like...remove the stilts and sand the stilt marks on the piece...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
the kiln wars of '08

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
oi, oi and oi!
anyway, back to the point of the story.
we were playing chicken off the diving board with our other cousins, and both of us were standing in line when she looked at me with this really perplexed expression...
(are you ready for this?)
cassie: leslie?
me: yeah?
cassie: is your swimming suit too small or are your legs just fat?
(SHABAM!!! i mean come on! are you serious?!)
me with a look of shock mixed with 'yeah, i know': my legs are just fat. (thwarted by a six year old)
funny thing was, it didn't really bother me. it actually made me laugh really hard...while i was nervously looking around to make sure no one heard what we were talking about.
she's almost 18 now and i wonder if she even remembers saying that...probably not. oh, but i remember! boy, do i ever!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
моя семья и друзья, yes another post about ukraine...whoopie!
sveta is my li'l sis who i met 4 years ago when she was 14 and just beginning her walk with Christ. now at 18 she is living at the transition home, studying fashion merchandising at a tech school and is growing into quite a Godly woman. her face is one i picture and miss on a regular basis when i'm here in the states. i crazy love this kiddo!
nastya is my new li'l sis who i just had the opportunity to meet this year. she's sixteen and so far has not opened her heart to Jesus, but i sense that there is still a softness to her spirit. i just pray that God will penetrate her fears, her (no doubt)pain, her history and show her how He, and only He, can use all the crap that satan's throw at her for great great GREAT good. my sweet nastya, i love you!
vanya is my super studly pal. he gave me a book of ukrainian folk songs and taught me one that we sang together. there's a video of this lovely event and when i get it i'll post it so you can all partake and be blessed. in the past year vanya has committed his life the Christ, been baptized in a local church and is a living testament of God's awesome ability to turn lives around. yey, vanya!
the rest of the pics are of my fellow americans who were able to enjoy ukraine's many blessings, #1 (at least in david's mind) being the hotel's complimentary juice in the lobby. hurray for free juice!just some of this year's team members being their charming selves.
what a stellar group! so refined...
and of course, i must not fail to mention my fellow gramm house kids on the trip. this is where mom and barb and barb say, "awww!"
Thursday, July 10, 2008
HELP!!! (red is for anger)
there! hah! i said it and i'm not going to take it back!
i know that as someone who works in retail i am supposedly trained to grin and bare anything.'s not true. i cannot grin and bare it. i will not grin and bare it anymore.
here's the deal. there's no real reason why i'm so annoyed right now other than the fact that i find every child that enters this building incredibly irritating.
how many times can you ask the same question that i answered five minutes ago before you asked it?
how many times will you interrupt me with a question that i would answer if you'd just chill out for a second.
how many meaningless questions can you ask about everything under the sun that i could not care less about?
how many times can you say "like like like like like what do you like like like like do with like like like like like..." (that one just happened. and i sat here in mid 'anger' post, smiled and answered patiently, while secretly giving her evilly evil eyes!)
how many times can you ask "where do i put this?" only to hear me once again say, "leave EVERYTHING at the table. I WILL TAKE CARE OF ALL OF IT!" (that one just happened too, only without all the caps.)
oh goody two adults finally came into the store without children! let there be praise and thanksgiving!
the good news is that i will be leaving tomorrow and not coming back again till wednesday! yippeee! get me away from these people!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
the bad, the ugly, and the ocheen ocheen good!
the basic idea was to dress up like this:
well who should be one of the lucky partakers of this blessed event but yours truly! i thought to myself, "hey, a challenge that i can actually do!" as apposed to the one where you had to cross monkey bars and then do a pull up to try to eat candy that was attached to the bars. i know! there was no way!
i'm not the fastest gal in the world, but still, i thought i could manage. so i waited my turn to make my team proud.
here's where a small problem arose. the elastic wasted floral skit that i was supposed to put on in lightning speed didn't seem to be terribly fond of the idea of fitting over my hips! i stopped for a second, while alena said in her sweet, desperate, heavily accented voice, "please leslie! hurry!", prayed a quick prayer and "oh thank you, Jesus!" with a swift and forceful tug the skirt was fitted nicely around my waste.
the hard part was over(so i thought). i quickly threw the rest of the articles on and dove through the opening in the trash bag tunnel. at this point i felt a sharp pain in my back and heard a multitude of ukrainian gasps follow me, but i didn't look back, nor did i stop to find out what was wrong. i laughed in the face of adversity and quickened my pace to the child waiting at the other end of the tunnel. (thankfully, the skirt came off quicker than it went on!)
so once i had the chance to stop, watch my teammates finish the relay (we won, by the way) i realized that the sharp pain i felt earlier was intensifying quite nicely. a little later i found my mom and showed her my back so i could find out if it was really anything to worry about(the sight of which she gasped in horror).
so here's what happened. i'm going to need some audience participation in order for you to visualize this fully. everyone, take your hand and make it into a fist. now, take a pen or pencil, anything straight like that will work. hold the pen/pencil flat against your pointer finger knuckle (keep your hand in a fist!) and strum it down your knuckles almost like you would on one of those wood blocks. if you do this right it should make a kind of a clicking noise. okay, now imagine that your knuckles where vertebrae (jami, since your on the computer i'm going to safely assume your sitting down...that's good) and the pen is a metal bar and that the human the the vertebrae are a attached to is going at great speed while scraping her vertebrae on the metal bar. sounds fun, doesn't it.
later when i looked at my back, thinking all i would see was scrapes, instead i saw three circles where there was no skin(where each vertebrae scraped). yeah, the best part was that all week people would come up to me and pat me on my lower back! whatever happened to patting on the UPPER back. you know, on the shoulders! doesn't that seem more normal anyway?
but alas, as much as that was bad, this...
and this...