Thursday, December 6, 2007

gerard, oh gerard! why do you do this to me?

does anyone know gerard butler?  if you don't i feel sorry for you.  if you do and are not completely in love than something is wrong with you.  if you feel the same as i do (and i know there's at least one of you, amanda) than come join me in a river crying party.
it's not just that he's a 'fine specimen of a man' (for the "avonlea" fans, who can name that quote?) or that he has a scottish accent or charmingly hilarious, but he's a darn fine actor to boot.  it's not like he always chooses the best movies, but he has had a decent track record with 'the phantom of the opera' (dude, if i was christine i would have dropped raoul in a heartbeat for the phantom.  i mean come on, there was no comparison.  raoul was a complete girl!) and 'dear frankie' (i loved this movie).  but now to go and do a thing like this!  the epitome of all lows!  he is starring in a movie with, i kid you not, HILARY SWANK!  oh heart fail me not!  what a bitter disappointment.  he had so much class, so much potential, and now this!?!  gag!  not only did he star in a movie with her but by the looks of it, it's a real kick butt dumb one to. 
some might say (by some i mean my mother and sisters) that i am acting slightly over dramatic and that there are far more important things to get worked up over.  but i have to agree with my wise grandpa edwin on this one.  "it's the little things that make the big difference." (somehow i don't think he was talking about this type of situation) and for that matter, where's the fun in not caring about all the stupid little things, like dumb movies with actors who are too good for their roles?  it may be silly of me, but it's fun, so i just might have to stay this way till i die...and hopefully after, too.  just because life will be perfect doesn't mean that it will lack personality...
okay time for a different thought entirely.  (in case you haven't notice, my mind switches gears very quickly.  i don't know, call me a girl) do you ever feel like some people lose their quirks and uniqueness in their strive for perfection.  it almost feels like there's this mold that their trying fit into.  this never ceases to slightly worry me and make me very sad.  i have learn (what a long lesson this was!) that i am only ever truly unique when i am wholly His.  often times growing up i would try to be unique or steer away from the crowd, because i didn't want to feel ordinary.  in my mind that was the worst insult anyone could give me.  it kind of still is.  anyway, i went through a very intense spiritual growth spurt during my freshman year of college and i realized that the less i worried about how unique i was and the more i just focused on the One who uniquely created me, the more i became just that and the less i became like anyone else.  so now, when i see people, either way, trying so hard to be unique or thinking that they have to fit a mold to be perfect i feel very sad for them and hope that someday they will see how much God celebrates their individuality!  after all, He made them!


Brooke said...

Yay, Leslie! My dear crazy and famous scar sister that I don't see enough of, I can get doses of you via your blog! Thank you thank you!

Your point about individuality... cracks me up as I look at my past, mainly high school and at the beginning of college, and how I would marvel at someone so unique... and proceed to do what they were doing/wearing/saying so I could be original too... Hello? I had just inadvertently done exactly what I was trying to avoid! Praise the Lord that He made me unique, because trying to come up with "unique" on your own is way too difficult, huh?!

Love you!

Tami said...

man, have you read the comments about the article? it looks like everyone is getting "fired up" over "fired up". :) how's that for amazing writing?! just call me john grisham. :) okay...that was all cheesy, but seriously, it looks like you've gotten your 15 min! yay. :)

love ya.

by the way, what's up with the word verification? i feel like i'm signing into the pentagon. :) jk.

Tami said...

oops, i just commented on the wrong post. that last comment was supposed to go for the post about the pantagraph!

but, i'll comment on gerald butler as well. i don't think i'm part of the "i'm in love with him" category...although, i have to agree, if i was chirstine, no doubt in my mind would i have chosen the phantom. she's crazy. rauel was a pansey for sure. :)
i think hilary swank is a fine actress...i think the academy would agree with i wouldn't hold that against him...however, i did see the previews and they don't look that good, but i would have to say that i think it was an okay move on his part to be in this movie. you wanna go watch it together? jk.
was it you that i was just saying that i don't like irish accents? i used to until colin farrel. he pretty much ruined the irish accent for me.