Thursday, July 10, 2008

HELP!!! (red is for anger)

i'm just going to say it...


there! hah! i said it and i'm not going to take it back!

i know that as someone who works in retail i am supposedly trained to grin and bare anything.'s not true. i cannot grin and bare it. i will not grin and bare it anymore.

here's the deal. there's no real reason why i'm so annoyed right now other than the fact that i find every child that enters this building incredibly irritating.

how many times can you ask the same question that i answered five minutes ago before you asked it?

how many times will you interrupt me with a question that i would answer if you'd just chill out for a second.

how many meaningless questions can you ask about everything under the sun that i could not care less about?

how many times can you say "like like like like like what do you like like like like do with like like like like like..." (that one just happened. and i sat here in mid 'anger' post, smiled and answered patiently, while secretly giving her evilly evil eyes!)

how many times can you ask "where do i put this?" only to hear me once again say, "leave EVERYTHING at the table. I WILL TAKE CARE OF ALL OF IT!" (that one just happened too, only without all the caps.)

oh goody two adults finally came into the store without children! let there be praise and thanksgiving!

the good news is that i will be leaving tomorrow and not coming back again till wednesday! yippeee! get me away from these people!


Jami said...

well I'm glad to hear you like your job! :)

love you!

Brooke said...

Oh I so know the feeling Leslie... hang in there!

Tami said...

hey leslie, i just like wanted to like let you know that i'm going to like be coming in the shop with all my like nieces and nephews! Once we get there, where should we like put all the stuff? :)
this is where you laugh at me even though you wonder why when you don't really think i'm funny. :)love ya!
hey...i'll see you today as we're in for a fantastic weekend!!!

Leslie Ringger said...

all true, tam, all true!

sarah.flyingkites said...

Funny Leslie!
I was getting annoyed with you...errr - that WOULD be frustrating. Like they always told me waitressing..."Customer's always right!" Bummer.