Wednesday, July 16, 2008

моя семья и друзья, yes another post about ukraine...whoopie!

i felt the urge to share some pictures of my dearest friends in ukraine. oh how i love you all! let me count the ways:

sveta is my li'l sis who i met 4 years ago when she was 14 and just beginning her walk with Christ. now at 18 she is living at the transition home, studying fashion merchandising at a tech school and is growing into quite a Godly woman. her face is one i picture and miss on a regular basis when i'm here in the states. i crazy love this kiddo!

nastya is my new li'l sis who i just had the opportunity to meet this year. she's sixteen and so far has not opened her heart to Jesus, but i sense that there is still a softness to her spirit. i just pray that God will penetrate her fears, her (no doubt)pain, her history and show her how He, and only He, can use all the crap that satan's throw at her for great great GREAT good. my sweet nastya, i love you!
vanya is my super studly pal. he gave me a book of ukrainian folk songs and taught me one that we sang together. there's a video of this lovely event and when i get it i'll post it so you can all partake and be blessed. in the past year vanya has committed his life the Christ, been baptized in a local church and is a living testament of God's awesome ability to turn lives around. yey, vanya!

the rest of the pics are of my fellow americans who were able to enjoy ukraine's many blessings, #1 (at least in david's mind) being the hotel's complimentary juice in the lobby. hurray for free juice!
just some of this year's team members being their charming selves.
what a stellar group! so refined...
and of course, i must not fail to mention my fellow gramm house kids on the trip. this is where mom and barb and barb say, "awww!"


Marla said...


Jami said...

I'm not Barb, Barb, or Mom but awww!

sarah.flyingkites said...

Ditto Marla & Jami...

leah said...

oh my word...what an amazing post! some were pictures i hadn't see yet! what a great reminder of one stellar trip!

oh david and his juice.