Tuesday, October 21, 2008

one way connie kendall is cooler than me...but only the one!

so, as much as i love 'adventures in odyssey' there's something about the beloved constance kendall (with all her great points) that can sometimes be, let's face it, just a little annoying.  

now i don't mean to offend any die hard odyssey fans out there, because trust me, i could take you all in the fanatical department, but let's be honest, here.  we're among friends.  we can all face the reality regarding our friend, connie...that from her 'over the top' emotions to her constant need to know everything, ms. kendall can be a little overbearing.  

however, the other night i was listening to an old episode(yes, i still listen to them...on a regular basis...and proud of it!) and i was struck with a profound and deeply troubling realization...at least in one way connie kendall is cooler than me!

boy, that takes humility to say!  whew.  reeling in that pride!

anyway, the episode was where connie mistakenly wins a date with a tv star, chad something, and the whole time he's trying to impress her and she's like good grief, stop trying to impress me and just be yourself!

hmmm....this is where i thought, she's way cooler than me.  let's take a look at how i act given a similar situation:

mates of state is my most beloved of all bands consisting of jason hammel(husband-drummer-vocals-daddy of 2) and kori gardner(wife-keyboards-organ-vocals-mommy of the same 2) ...i only stalk them a little 

...anyway, at one of their concerts i was able to talk to kori just a bit as she made her way out of the building (it was in a coffee house so pretty low key) and this is how it went...

(imagine me speaking kind of high and fast paced)

me: (tap tap on the shoulder)
her: yes?
me: hi, i'm leslie and i just wanted to quick meet you
her: hi, i'm kori (hehe, as if i didn't know that!)
me: i think you guys are awesome!
her: thanks (sweet and slightly awkward smile)
me: congratulations on your new baby! (their first kid was about 6 mo. at this time)
her: thanks, actually that's where i'm heading to now.
me: oh, yeah sure!  it was nice to meet you!
her: yeah, you to.

i think she probably remembers me...don't you?  i'm actually pretty convinced that we would be great friends if we ever hung out together...hmmm...


Rebekah said...

very funny post Leslie...coming from a mom...she probably was thinking...I just need to get to my baby so I can quick nurse and get rid of this aweful "I need to nurse" feeling!...when will this girl stop talking?!? JUST KIDDING!!!!! I'm so uncool that I wouldn't have had the guts to go up and meet the person.

As another die hard Odyssey fan who also still listens to it constantly, I would agree that Connie is often very over the top and annoying. My Mom would often say when Connie was in some outburst, "Well, honest to Pete!" Amen Mother dear.

sarah.flyingkites said...

Oh my, you are so funny!

Yes, we still listen to Odessey on a regular basis (mostly while driving). But, I really don't think Connie is that annoying...although Klint does.

The sad thing about the story you told? You don't have anything to show for it except an awkward memory. You could have at least gotten her autograph! :)

Thanks for the post...

Leslie Ringger said...

i know, sarah! very sad.

and rebekah, i think you're completely right with the whole wanting to nurse and NOT wanting to talk to me...but i'm okay with that :)

Jami said...

You are a funny sort dear Les! :)