Friday, March 11, 2011

the gift of healing

is "the last of a long line of" drano bottles used on 

my sink.

are you on the edge of your seats yet?  well, let me start at the beginning ("a very good place to start"... wow, 2 random quotes and this story hasn't even started yet!)

about a month ago... actually over... february 1, to be precise, my dear and faithful kitchen sink developed a clog in the drain... a nasty clog indeed.

so what did i do?

i poured 1 bottle of drano down the drain... did it help?  nope.
i poured another bottle of drano down the drain... did it help?  nope.
i poured 3 and 4 and 5, yes 5, bottles of drano down the drain... did any of it help?  nope.

so what did i do?

i prayed.

and this was no ordinary prayer either... this was a desperate, laying on of hands, "Lord, please heal my sink" kind of prayer.  seriously.  i put my hands on that sink and i prayed a prayer that went something like this:

"Lord, i feel really stupid doing this, but i'm just gonna do it anyway.  so Lord, please heal my sink.  i NEED you to heal my sink!  i know You can do this.  i believe You can do this.  and if you don't that's okay, but PLEASE heal my sink.  i can't afford a plumber right now.  i can't afford to keep buying drano right now.  so in the name of Jesus, sink, you be healed!"

then i stood back, took a deep breath, and turned on the water.

no dice.

so what did i do?

i went to indiana for the weekend and forgot about it.  and when i came back it was still there.
then i went to tennessee for the next weekend and forgot about it.  and when i came back it was still there.
so i went to ukraine for 2 weeks and forgot about it.  and when i came back it was still there.

do you know how annoying it is to have your kitchen sink clogged for over a month?  i do.

but this wednesday, march 9th, something happened.  i was talking to my friend at my kitchen table.  the sink was full of water because i'd braved doing the dishes even thought draining the sink would take no less than 2 hours.

suddenly we heard this massive GULP come from my sink.  i went over to let the rest of the water out and to my astonishment the entire sink emptied beautifully.

"erica!!!! my sink just emptied!!!"

she didn't seem to grasp how amazing this was.  i turned on the water and let it run for a few minutes... no clog!!! it just kept flowing down that beautiful beautiful drain!!!

"erica!!!  God healed my sink!!!  He healed my sink!!!  He just waited a month, but He did it!!!"

i started jumping around my kitchen like a complete crazy and have been kind of giddy ever since.  

so if any of you have any appliances hanging around the house that need to be healed feel free to give me a call.  it might take a month, but i have this feeling that i've uncovered a gift here.

what do you think?
(ooh, maybe i shouldn't ask!)


sarah.flyingkites said...

oh man, ANOTHER great post.

LOVE it. God does work in mysterious ways, you know.

Love you!

Ashley Baner said...

I told you that someday you would uncover your talent! God is good! I think that you should post more pics of your house! Now that is real talent! I love the cupboard color and the tile! Wow girl! You got style! I am serious. Why not do a walk-though of sorts for those of us who haven't seen it!

smw said...

aww. i'm so glad your sink is working again. house issues are frustrating!!

leah said...

love it. i have been doing the spiritual gifts test. i don't think you need to take it. God has clearly told you what yours is. :)

(by the way--our oven is broke--would you come pray over it? I BELIEVE!)

Carmen O. said...

God once healed my stereo. Or maybe it was my tv. i don't remember, but whatever it was, I seriously needed it, it was absolutely broken, and I did lay hands on it...and He did heal it. I shouldn't have been stunned, but I was.