Monday, October 24, 2011

day 7: fruit (red is for strawberries)

so i live on a farm here in zambia... but not just any farm, my friends.  i live on a strawberry farm. oh yeah.  that means i can have strawberries whenever i want... that is when the workers don't strip the plants dry to sell them... blast.

here's my little roomies being crazy in the field:

and this... well, this is my dear friend, liness:

(that's "lee-nus" if your me and "ly-nus" if your everyone else at school) i adore this girl.

the other day i asked her why everyone calls her 'ly-nus' and she calls herself 'lee-nus'.  she got all shy and smiled.  she said her family named her 'lee-nus' but everyone at school calls her 'ly-nus' because it's a more common name.  i asked her what she wanted to be called.  she said she wants everyone at school to call her 'ly-nus'.  

i said "so do you like keeping your name special by having only your family call you by it?"  

she said, "yes.  but i want you to call my 'lee-nus'"

so apparently i'm officially in.  saweet (like strawberries)!


sarah.flyingkites said...

awwwww!!! I love this! She is such a cutie...

Tami said...

Your pictures just make me wish I was there with you!!!

Marla said...

Saweet post.

Tami said...

Leslie...I just READ your post 'cause I had checked it on my phone before. Oh. My. Word. I LOVE that story!!! It's sooo sweet. I bet those kids are just loving you over there!

Jami said...

aw, i like that :)