Tuesday, February 23, 2010

i know what it's like to...

(in no apparent order)

1. hit my sister squarely in the stomach with a head of lettuce from a sitting position across the room

2. travel to more than half my age's worth of countries

3. fit a tambourine around my waste... and get it stuck there

4. have my neighbors busted for dealing cocaine

5. drive through a massive puddle, flooding my car with 2 gallons of water

6. spend months... no years working on a cd with my dad, finish it, and from that moment on be unable to listen to it because i am so sick of the songs... and my voice... (gag)

7. watch the first four seasons of lost in 2 weeks

8. have my best friend attempt to drown me repeatedly (it's okay we were little... somehow that makes everything excusable)

9. walk 5.5 miles (with that same friend) in heels and a dress along the highway, until a nice lady picked us up and gave us a ride (we were not quite as little... but littler than we are now)

10. lock myself in my bedroom with mace when i was home alone... just in case there was a prowler

11. create an elaborate plan to run away from school... don't worry i never actually did

12. be told by my 4 year old niece that i can't get married yet cause i'm still a kid, but when i grow up, then i will get married... well, praise the Lord

12. be just bored enough at work to write a random blog post about... nothing

impressed or appalled?
...you decide


Alesa said...

leslie, you have just confirmed why i love you :)

Jill said...

Impressed! Especially that you walked 5.5 miles in heels and that you watched 4 seasons of Lost in 2 weeks!

Jane said...

Impressed that you could come up with all of those random facts!

barb said...

Hmmmm...I'll have to hear about #8.

smw said...

very fun! :) you've led an interesting life!

Marla said...

Get back to work:)

sarah.flyingkites said...

Great post!!!

Jami said...

you are quite the girl! :)